Pros and cons smoking charcoal for burning incense

I would like to make an inquiry on smoking charcoal as an occasion to answer.

In principle, I would like to say neither against nor for the smoking charcoal. It depends on what you want to achieve with smoking. And I believe that is for many, especially for smokers newcomers, the great unknown question and uncertainty. I would like to contribute to clarification.

Incense coal contains saltpetre, which is required to ignite the coal. And as you know for sure, everything that is found in the charcoal, herbs or resins, even in the fumigator, is integrated within the transformation process.

If you want to use lots of smoke properly to carry out incense for cleansing, house smoking or outdoor ceremonies, smoking coal is surely the right source as a fire in order to generate smoke and the desired effect.

But saltpetre also has its transformative properties (just to mention this), which are not desired in any case. For house cleansing of course it is o.k., but when you put on smoking herbs, for example, to connect you with your intuition and your Higher Self, Salpeter is certainly not appropriate, because at that moment it has the wrong energetic quality that could distract you from your goals or bring a „wrong“ result.

As an alternative, there is a smoky charcoal, which is free from saltpetre, but is often difficult to handle, and sometimes also a patience test, which could disturb you in your ceremony.

My recommendation:
Take a herb burner with a smoking sieve, under which you can put a tealight. So the incense herbs do not burn as fast as on the coal and therefore you can enjoy it longer.

And just take a height-adjustable herb burner, like the one pictured here. You not only can burning herbs with it, but also scenting your rooms soothingly, when you push the smoking sieve, as shown, all the way upwards and then scent the smoking herbs – completely without smoke. So you have the beneficial effects of the herbs, but no smoke that disturbs.

You want more information? Look here:

And more answers to your questions you can find here:

I hope I could bring some light into the „darkness“ around the smoking charcoal.

In any case, I’m looking forward to your comment.

With „fragrant“ greetings
Manfred Wolfgang Reithmayr

That’s what old hares are telling about the variable herb burner

Manfred Wolfgang Reithmayr, Der Kraftgarten Ltd.

„Because I’m an “old hare”, in regards to burning incense, I always used sand to do so. Since I use your herb burner I can incense the herbs without sand, because the height of the sieve can be adjusted variably. The smoking is now, not as before, done in 5 minutes, it roasts quietly to itself, and this is simply brilliant. I’m excited.“